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Monthly live workshop training for the #modernceo with Amber McCue
Take time to work *on* your business…Take time for $100 bills… and stop spinning your wheels once a month with me in a #modernCEO POWER UP.
join power up now for up to 74% off
Power Up Monthly is a unique monthly facilitated workshop experience designed for today’s #modernceo.
These live monthly Power Up trainings + workbooks are engineered to help you focus on what matters most in your business so you can get results that feel truly meaningful and push your brand forward. Enroll today for only $32!
In our live monthly Power Up Workshops, we’ll cover topics like:
- Marketing Funnels Made simple
- Run a business that is MADE FOR YOU
- Go Team Go to lead a team that works
- Addicted to Launching
- Fail Proof Your Business
- Design The Perfect Offer
- Who’s Got Your Back? And who will help you grow your business…?
- Time Advantage – How to make the most of your time, getting more done in less time.
And so many more! One key thing: All topics are relevant to you in your role of #modernCEO.
⟶ “If you don’t set aside time to be the CEO, you’ll always be hustling and you’ll always be the employee of your business.” – Amber McCue
⟶ You are in charge of this business you are growing and you need to carve out time to do one of your most important jobs: CEO.
As a small business owner there’s a good chance you are the one doing #allofthethings.
You are in the weeds. You are the one with the answers.
You are the CMO, the CFO, the COO, and the one on point for client delivery.
One problem…and it’s a big problem, too.
You are in charge of this business you are growing and you need to carve out time to do one of your most important jobs: CEO.
If you don’t set aside time to be the CEO, you’ll always be hustling and you’ll always be the employee of your business.
#modernCEOs have the freedom you seek.
Now is the time to set aside time to POWER UP in your role of CEO each month.
Power Up Monthly Workshops are engineered to help you focus on what matters in your business so you can get results that feel truly meaningful and push your brand forward.
No more ending each and every month with the SAME GOAL you had the previous month.
You’ll make progress from these trainings. You’ll elevate above the day-to-day to do list. And you’ll start seeing results.
what you get in power up monthly
Monthly Live Workshop Training for the #modernceo with Amber McCue- ✔ One LIVE group facilitated Power Hour workshop hosted by Amber McCue via Zoom each month. Gather virtually with an aligned group of entrepreneurs or watch the replay on demand
- ✔ In call discussions + Q & A after the call with Amber and your Power Up community
- ✔ Highly effective interactive digital PDF workbook to work through together on the call or on your own time
- ✔Power Hour Replay dashboard for on demand access to workshop replays – watch and work through as often as you need
- ✔ Instant access to 6 or more client favorite Power Up Monthly workshop replays + workbooks – learn from previous power ups
- ✔ Bonus material, guest speaker trainings, and more
- ✔ Upgrade to a yearly membership and get the digital 2021 Fresh Start Workbook + 2 months for FREE!
- ✔ Join now, cancel anytime. Due to the nature of this program, there are no refunds unless otherwise specified.
- ✔ All Power Up topics are relevant to you and your role as a #modernCEO
Know Power Up is exactly what your business needs?
⟶ Upgrade to a yearly membership and get 2 months free + snag the 2021 Fresh Start Workbook.
Here’s what others have to say about Amber McCue:
“Amber is on my metaphorical speed dial, y’all”
Shenee Howard
“Amber is the type of person who calmly looks at any situation and immediately assesses how to fix it.”
Jasmine Star
DeAnna Lynn Englezos
“Amber helps you simplify your business so you can make more money.”
Caitlin Bacher
When you join Power Up Monthly, you’ll also receive Amber McCue’s 5 Star Workbooks: Millionaire Mindset, Experience Design + Workshop Replay and Money Maker + Workshop Replay. Design an experience to delight your customers and clients + create your 2021 revenue strategy with ease. Valued at $591 – YOURS FREE!
Access instantly for 2021 planning
#modernCEOs have the freedom you seek. You are ready to set aside time to POWER UP in your role of CEO each month.
I’ve worked with hundreds of businesses over the years and I’ve realized that the key to building a business that has meaning and MAKES MONEY is to step into leadership mode.
What do leaders do? They aren’t trying to do ALL THE THINGS.
They focus on what really matters.
What will push the business forward?
What will change everything?
The business owner is at the mercy of what happens, the leader and CEO is the boss and guides the ship.
The leader makes sure those big business goals happen.
The leader knows what should happen next so the business grows.
Power Up Monthly is designed to help you get out of the role of business owner and start being a business leader and CEO.
⟶ “the key to building a business that has meaning and MAKES MONEY is to step into leadership mode.” -Amber McCue
You will make progress from these workshops. You’ll elevate above the day-to-day to do list. And you’ll start seeing results.
In the highly interactive Power Up workshops, we get clear on what matters, we plan and reflect on what matters, we do what matters, and we grow together.
You grow. You grow what matters to you.
What do I get when i enroll in Power Up Monthly today?
When you enroll in Power Up Monthly today, you’ll get immediate access to all bonus material + 6 top client favorite Power Up workshop replays and workbooks in the Replay Dashboard.
How often are the workshop calls?
Our live #modernceo Power Up Workshops are hosted once a month on Thursdays at 11 am EST.
You will receive 2 reminders before each call and the final reminder will have your unique link to join the call via Zoom.
We are in the process of finalizing our 2021 calendar and will share as soon as all dates are confirmed!
what happens if i fall behind?
I have a mantra… YOU ARE RIGHT ON TIME.
You aren’t behind. You are exactly where you need to be right now. You might not be able to attend every call LIVE and that’s OKAY! The replay will be uploaded to your replay dashboard after our call for on-demand viewing.
At the core of Power Up is a live monthly workshop focused on getting you dedicated time each month to elevate ABOVE the daily to-do list to see the big picture + work on your business (vs in your business).
Each monthly workshop is followed with a Q&A session with Amber and your Power Up community.
Freshly Implemented is a comprehensive online mastermind + implementation experience with many more components than Power Up. If you’d like to get on the Freshly Implemented wait list, visit here.
can i really cancel my membership anytime?
For sure! If you decide that Power Up Monthly is not what your business needs right now, you may cancel your membership at any time.
Due to the nature of this program, refunds are not available. Exclusions may apply.
Have more q’s about this monthly membership? Contact nice@ambermccue.com and we’ll be happy to help!
Power Up Monthly is a monthly membership program. Join now and cancel at any time.
Save money and commit to stepping into Modern CEO Leadership in 2021:
⟶ Upgrade to a yearly membership and get 2 months free + snag the 2021 Fresh Start Workbook.
Questions about Power Up Monthly with Amber McCue? Contact nice @ ambermccue.com
Focus on what matters and empower yourself, your clients, other women, and the generation coming up fast and furious after us. If you decide that Power Up Monthly is not for you, you may cancel at anytime. Due to the instant digital access nature of this program, there are no refunds. Exclusions may apply.
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